What Is Granular Recovery Technology


The definition of Granular Recovery Technology is that: Data has become vital in the fast-paced digital age of today. Understanding how to safeguard and recover your data is vital, no matter whether you’re a management of a large company, a small business owner, or just an individual who gives personal information. Large Recovery Technology (GRT) is utilized in this situation. However, what is Complex Recovery Technology really, why is it becoming ever more significant?

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What is granular recovery technology

At the help of granular recovery technology, personal or partial objects from backup sets can be restored. For example, recovering particular folders and files instead of the full virtual machine (VM) from a backup of the entire image level.

Managers of IT may now recover data more quickly and easily thanks to granular recovery technology (GRT), an inventive approach. The GRT speeds catastrophe recovery and successfully preserves business continuity by cutting down on recovery time.

How does granular recovery work and what do you need to know about it

Everyone working on a project in modern offices creates huge amounts of data. Emails, tables, graphs, databases, papers, and a tonne of other things. From a commercial perspective, it is imperative that you protect this data, which is why most firms utilize backups to keep their data safe. However, backup is just one component of the problem. If you lost that data in any way, how would you respond? You undoubtedly want to retrieve it as soon as possible with ease. Then, you ought to consider implementing a granular recovery (also known as granular restore) plan, which is the primary focus of this article. 

How to choose between traditional recovery and granular recovery

While granular recovery technologies can increase efficiency during crises, full backup and restoration remains one of the most popular needs. As such, using granular recovery in place of traditional recovery is not allowed. If you need to restore certain files from an entire backup quickly, granular recovery technology can be your saving grace because prolonged recovery periods can result in significant loss. Granular wellness, however, is unable to take the position of standard recovery’s capacity to recover the complete back at once. Of course, usual full backup and recovery is more effective for businesses that are growing or need to move a lot of workload. Because of this, most businesses cannot afford to give up on traditional full backup and restore methods.when trying to improve atomic recovery’s efficiency. On the other hand, this can make data protection even more expensive.

Traditional recovery vs granular recovery: What’s the difference?

This is true that traditional recovery has become less popular with the introduction of granular recovery technology. Many businesses, nevertheless, continue to support traditional treatment. Why then are they unable to fully replace one another? What distinguishes granular recovery from conventional recovery?

For example, to recover a single file from a computer backup at the image level. Traditional recovery methods need you to find a particular file after restoring the virtual machine as a whole. Granular recovery technology, on the other hand, allows you to simply open this backup and get the specific file you require from it.

Three points can be used to put up their differences:

Efficiency:  Higher efficiency is brought by granular recovery technology, particularly when you are asked to recover only specific files. This reduces the time spent recovering other data.

Challenge:The method of recovering a typical complete backup is quite easy and only requires a few steps. However, because granule healing is a novel method, workers may need training before they can use it individually.

Cost:  When recovery time as well as file storage are the significant costs associated with traditional recovery, third-party software is needed to deliver the granular recovery technology. This can be an extra cost for businesses that can’t fully give up on full recovery and backup strategies.

Benefits of using granular recovery

While certain advantages of particle recovery technologies have been covered at great length, let’s take a closer look at them. Probably the greatest benefit of using partial recovery with backups is that the restoration and backup processes are entirely under your or your IT team’s control. It allows you to choose exactly the data you wish to obtain and which you don’t. This is helpful when you may select a few files to be restored and avoid having to rebuild your virtual machines or systems from begin. The speed at which granular recovery operates is another great advantage. Yes, it might be faster than the conventional method if you were only retrieving a small number of items from the backup.


Every backup solution now comes with granular recovery, which changed the way data is restored. The granular restoration can assist us in cutting downtime and concentrating more on our projects in various ways. Additionally, you can use Xopero One to take advantage of all the advantages of granular restore, including its speed, flexibility, and control, for any type of data that needs to be protected, including VMware, Microsoft 365, Git repositories, and general data.

FAQs on Granular Recovery Technology

  1. What are the 3 types of backups?
  • Full backup:The most fundamental and thorough backup tactics, in which every piece of data is transferred to another location.
  • Incremental backup: takes a copy of every file that has been altered since the last backup.
  • Differential backup: The only copies of each file that has evolved since the last complete backup are backed up.
  1. What is GRT on a ship?
  • The quantity of space a trading vessel has is accessible for goods, saving, fuel, passengers, and crew within its hull and enclosed space over the deck.

     3. What are the benefits of backup granularity?

  • On the quantity of data, it could take hours or days to restore a system or server using outdated backup techniques. However, portion recovery significantly expedites data retrieval and lets you restore likely directories or files.

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