Belgian Malinois Dog Information

Belgian Malinois Dog History

There are four types of Belgian Sheepdog. Belgian Malinois is one of them. It was well-known in Belgium in the late 1800s. The names of the four types are as follows.

  1.    Malinois
  2.   Terorin
  3.   Lacinois
  4.   Groningendale

The Belgian Malinois is one of four Belgian shepherd assortments close by the Tervuren, the Groenendael, and the Laekenois. These Belgian bulls date back to the 1800s, and the Malinois get their name from the city of Mechelen (Malines) where they were stable.1 Reproducers were positive to make  areas of strength for a canine and defender with an unflinching hard working attitude.

The Malinois first here in the United States in the early 1900s, but their short popularity worn after World War II2. However, the American Hut Club’s 1959 credit of the Malinois brought about a revival of their fame in the 1960s. By the turn of the 21st 100 years, Belgian Malinois were typically seen big in as police dogs, martial canines, drug-location dogs, and search-and-salvage canines. The Mystery Administration even utilizes them to watch the White House grounds. In addition, Belgian Malinois are important for Naval force SEAL groups, including the one that killed Osama canister Loaded in 2011.3



Belgian Malinois Size

In these animals, males are taller than females. They are usually about the same height as a German Shepherd.

  •         Males    : 24 To 26 inches
  •         Females :    22 To 24 inches


They weigh less than other animals because they like exercise which prevents them from gaining weight. Males weigh more than females.

  •         Males     : 60 To 80 pounds
  •          Females :    40 To 60 pounds

Belgian Malinois Dog Health issue

Belgian Malinois are usually healthy, but like all breeds, they are horizontal to some health situations. All Malinois can must any or all of these poisons. But if you’re considering this breed, it’s significant to be aware of them

  •          Hip and elbow dysplasia
  •          progressive retinal atrophy
  •          cataracts,
  •          Pinus,
  •          Hemingway

Belgian Malinois Dog speed

This dog, deliberated one of the fastest dog breeds, can usually run at a speed of 30 mph (about 48 km/h) but cannot bear it for long.

Belgian Malinois Dog Children And Other pet

They are very good with children. They are always friendly towards them. We must tell them at an early age that aggressive behavior is unacceptable. Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs and when to tactic them. Do not try to take their food. A dog should never be left only with a child.

Malinois are not aggressive towards other dogs and cats. If you want your Malinois to get along with other animals, you want them at a young age. He taught everything. If your Malinois is not socialized with other animals, it is your responsibility to keep your dog under control in their presence. If you want to know which dog is better German Shepherd vs Belgian Malinois Click Here

Belgian Malinois Personality

They are generally willing to live with people, they are loving and loyal to their owners and will even sacrifice their lives for them. It is a watchdog dog. And they have many characteristics that distinguish them from the other two animals and that is why people like to keep them in their homes. They are not friendly. They treat everybody in their house with sympathy.


Some highlights Belgian Malinois

 Energy Levels:

Belgian Malinois are high-energy dogs that need plenty of workout and mental reason. They are known for portion in roles such as police work, search and save, and facility dog work. Without exercise and mental motivation, they can become bored and exhibit possibly unhelpful deeds


The regular lifespan of a Belgian Malinois is about 12 to 14 years, and if we feed it a good and healthful diet. And take proper care of them. So they can live their full life.


Belgian Malinois has gained a lot of approval all over the world due to its exclusive characteristics. As in particular police and military work, search and rescue, and loyal family companions, etc. Their popularity has made their breed vulnerable to falling into the wrong hands. Therefore, it is important to train their generation better.


These dogs are generally slightly larger than medium dogs in size, have a very strong frame and are very strong in every part of the body such as muscles. Their coat is short and orthodox and they have black patterns. They are brown in color.


While this breed of dog is generally used as a shepherd, they also work as excellent sheepdogs. The Belgian Shepherd has long black hair and erect ears. The Hungarian Poly has a coat of long rope-like cords. It is 16–19 inches (41–48 cm) long and weighs about 30 lb (14 kg).


Is Belgian Malinois a good family dog?

In general, it can be a real and great family dog ​​if you take care of its characteristics and traits and don’t ignore it.

What is the disadvantage of Belgian Malinois?

This breed of dog. Who struggles with boredom. When they have nobody to do, they can become edgy and irritable. As a result, they are not ideal for families where the owners travel often or work long hours. They can damage your home due to their excessive energy and boredom.

What is special about Belgian Malinois?

The Belgian Malinois is an intelligent and effectively trainable breed. Belgian Malinois are intelligent, confident and adaptable dogs. They are strong dogs with good quality that were bred to work hard and follow instructions. They are loyal to their owners. And they work to fulfill the orders of their masters.

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